## Potsdam Nooners - Running Sheet
<center><span style="color: red; font-weight: bold; font-size: smaller; text-align: center;">This is where you should be when you start the meeting.</span></center>
Welcome to the Potsdam Nooners online meeting of Alcoholics anonymous.
My name is **YOUR NAME** and I am an alcoholic.
For respect of the meeting please consider putting yourself on mute when not speaking to reduce background noise.
May we have a moment of silence followed by the Serenity Prayer:
God, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change
The courage to change the things I can
And the wisdom to know the difference.
* [[ Next -> A. A. Preamble ]]
* [[If There Are Newcomers]]
* [[ Chairman's Notes ]]
[[Back to Start->A. A. Chairman Instructions]]## Chairman's Notes
* To chair the meeting you *MUST* have six (6) month's sobriety
* Each day has a different format:
** Monday - Came to Believe
** Tuesday - Meditation Meeting
** Wednesday - Big Book
** Thursday - 12 + 12 (Traditions / Steps)
** Friday - Living Sober
** Saturday - Daily Reflection / Open Topic
* We suggest finding speakers for the following before the meeting starts::
** How it Works
** The Twelve Steps
** The Traditions
** The Promises/Vision for You
* About [[Crosstalk]]
[[Back to Start->A. A. Chairman Instructions]]## The A. A. Preamble
Alcoholics anonymous is a fellowship of men and women who share their experience, strength, and hope with each other that they may solve their common problem and help others to recover from alcoholism. The only requirement for membership is a desire to stop drinking. There are no dues or fees for A.A. membership; we are self-supporting through our own contributions. A.A. is not allied with any sect, denomination, politics, organization or institution; does not wish to engage in any controversy; neither endorses nor opposes any causes. Our primary purpose is to stay sober and help other alcoholics to achieve sobriety.
* [[Next->This is an Open Meeting of Alcoholics Anonymous]]
* [[Back->A. A. Chairman Instructions]]
[[Back to Start->A. A. Chairman Instructions]]## This is an open meeting of Alcoholics Anonymous.
We are glad you are all here, especially newcomers. In keeping with our singleness of purpose and our Third Tradition which states that “The only requirement for A.A. membership is a desire to stop drinking,” we ask that all who participate confine their discussion to their problems as they relate to alcoholism.
* [[Next->Are There Any Newcomers or Visitors?]]
* [[Back-> A. A. Preamble ]]
[[Back to Start->A. A. Chairman Instructions]]## Are There Any Newcomers or Visitors...
...who would like to introduce themselves?
* [[Next->Fellowship And Sharing Our Experience, Strength and Hope]]
* [[Back->This is an Open Meeting of Alcoholics Anonymous]]
* [[Start->A. A. Chairman Instructions]]
If there are any new comers, see [[this link->If There Are Newcomers]].
[[Back to Start->A. A. Chairman Instructions]]## If There Are Newcomers
* Try to make any newcomer welcome
* Try to assist with any possible technical difficulty the newcomer might be experiencing
Consider focussing the meeting on **STEP ONE** and how the steps of Alcoholics Anonymous has helped the individual.
* [[Start->A. A. Chairman Instructions]]
* [[Back to Are There Any Newcomers or Visistors?->Are There Any Newcomers or Visitors?]]
[[Back to Start->A. A. Chairman Instructions]]## Fellowship And Sharing Our Experience, Strength and Hope...
...are important parts of recovery. You may stay on after the meeting ends if you would like to continue chatting.
At this meeting we like to begin by reading a portion of Chapter 5, **How it Works**, from the Big Book of Alcoholics Anonymous that contains the **Twelve Steps** to recovery, followed by the **Twelve Traditions**.
*Here, it is traditional for other members of the meeting to read the portions mentioned above.*
Please keep in mind we need to close the meeting at 1:00PM.
Please try to be mindful of the time and number of people at the meeting when sharing.
Please indicate clearly when you have finished sharing, talking or would like to pass - this will help us not interrupt you by accident.
* [[Next->Are There Any Announcements?]]
* [[Back->Are There Any Newcomers or Visitors?]]
See this [[link->Crosstalk]] about crosstalk.
[[Back to Start->A. A. Chairman Instructions]]## Are There Any Anouncements Related to A. A?
We will continue to meet online during the week; on Saturdays, we are meeting at the Potsdam Community Room, 38 Main Street next to the library and police station.
*Consider mentioning some of the following - it is not required to say any of these:*
* The group business meeting usually happens on the first Saturday of every month at 11:00AM
* District 42's business meeting usually happens on the third Wednesday of every month at 6:00PM.
* [[Next->Anonymity Like Our Sobriety is a Treasured Possession]]
* [[Back->Fellowship And Sharing Our Experience, Strength and Hope]]
[[Back to Start->A. A. Chairman Instructions]]## Crosstalk
Typically "cross talk" refers to people speaking out of turn, interrupting someone while they are speaking or giving direct advice to someone in a meeting. There is a custom in many areas to speak only from one's own experience and to avoid giving direct advice or lecturing a group or individual.
*(District 33, April 2011)*
* [[Fellowship And Sharing Our Experience, Strength and Hope]]
[[Back to Start->A. A. Chairman Instructions]]## Anonymity Like Our Sobriety is a Treasured Possession
Who you see here, what you hear here, let it stay within the walls of A.A.
Every day *except* Tuesday:
* [[Chair Person Briefly Qualifies]]
On Tuesday:
* [[Guided Meditation]]
Other links:
* [[Back->Are There Any Announcements?]]
[[Back to Start->A. A. Chairman Instructions]]## Chair Person Briefly Qualifies
This page contains some *suggestions* for continuing the meeting.
### Briefly Qualify
Provide a **BRIEF** qualification.
If it is Tuesday, we suggest mentioning how you use the eleventh (11th) step in your daily life, what it means to you, or sharing some of the rewards of prayer and meditation as they relate to you.
Unless it is Tuesday, ask someone to read the relevant reading from the suggested literature. If no-one volunteers, begin reading it yourself.
After you have qualified and the reading has been completed, invite others to share their strength, hope and experience as it relates to alcoholism.
### Meeting Formats
* Each day has a different format:
** Monday - Came to Believe
** Tuesday - Meditation Meeting
** Wednesday - Big Book
** Thursday - 12 + 12 (Traditions & Steps)
** Friday - Living Sober
** Saturday - Daily Reflection
### Handling Silence
If the participants go silent:
* If everyone has shared and it is before 12:40PM, suggest that there is time for further sharing;
* If there are people who have not shared, consider inviting them anonymously (e.g. "Would anyone who hasn't yet shared, like to speak?") or even addressing them by name if you feel comfortable;
* If it is after 12:40PM and it seems no-one else wants to share, we suggest closing the meeting.
Make sure that everyone is aware the call/meeting will stay open for those who wish to continue talking afterwards.
* [[Next->Close the Meeting]]
* [[Back->Anonymity Like Our Sobriety is a Treasured Possession]]
* [[Back (Tuesday)->Guided Meditation]]
[[Back to Start->A. A. Chairman Instructions]]## Guided Meditation
On Tuesday's we have a guided meditation.
*Here, the person who has agreed to lead the meditation should be invited to start reading.*
After the five minutes, it is customary to end with the Serenity Prayer - the person leading *usually* concludes with this but if, after sufficient time has elapsed, have not, continue with:
God, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change
The courage to change the things I can
And the wisdom to know the difference. AMEN.
* [[Next->Chair Person Briefly Qualifies]]
* [[Back->Anonymity Like Our Sobriety is a Treasured Possession]]
[[Back to Start->A. A. Chairman Instructions]]## Close the Meeting
At this meeting we like to close with the reading of **The Promises** (or **A Vision for You** on Tuesdays) followed by the **Responsibility Declaration** and then the **Serenity Prayer, in Plural** for those who wish.
Responsibility Declaration:
I am responsible when anyone, anywhere, reaches out for help;
I want the hand of A. A. always to be there;
For that I am responsible.</pre>
Serenity Prayer, In Plural:
God, grant us the serenity to accept the things we cannot change,
courage to change the things we can,
and wisdom to know the difference.
If there are new comers, make sure to invite them back and consider encouraging them to share contact details with others as appropriate (usually men share details with other men, and women with other women).
* [[Back->Chair Person Briefly Qualifies]]
* [[Start->A. A. Chairman Instructions]]
[[Back to Start->A. A. Chairman Instructions]]