Until further notice the Potsdam Nooners will not be meeting at its usual meeting place; instead we are meeting as detailed below.
During the week we read a small piece from our literature:
Nonethless, we will use the FreeConferenceCall service to host meetings as best as we can. The link will open in a new window.
Meetings will start at noon (US EST) and the host will be available by 11:45AM; use the following dot points to join us:
If, for some reason, the first link does not work, we are using the meeting identifier potsdamnooners (all one word, not capitalised).
You may also SMS (text) the number (209) 399-9610 with the message CALL ME, and FreeConferenceCall will call you back as well.
Please note that the meeting host will not be able to provide technical support; visit the participant instructions page for more information.
Some of the meeting format needs certain readings - these are all contained in "A Meeting in a Pocket" which can be downloaded as from the following link as a PDF:
Please read the disclaimer within the document - although not conference approved in its entirety, all sections used by this group are from conference approved sources (e.g. the Big Book, the 12 + 12 etc).
A printable running sheet can be found here:
The Tuesday guided meditation can be found here:>
There is an interactive running sheet here:
All phone networks and conference call providers and mobile/cell phone networks are experiencing significant load at the moment; if you are not able to join immediately, keep on trying.
Copyright © 2020. David Lloyd. All Rights Reserved.